Sunday, September 13, 2015

Journal 3 – Life as a Juggler – My take on How to balance Faith, Family, and Work according to Pat Gelsinger.

Who’s Pat Gelsinger?

According to, he’s the 15th most powerful person in enterprise tech last 2014. With an industry that’s about a $4 trillion, this no ordinary feat. He’s up there with Bill Gate’s and Larry Ellison to name a few.

With just watching the video and without googling him for more information about him, aside from those mentioned in the video, I was already at awe on how was he able to be so successful in his career while keeping a balance between his studies, work, family, and faith. I have heard and read about other influential persons before but never did I expect to hear from a Westerner giving great importance to faith. Not to be discriminate, but, I have only heard from American business leaders how they are ethical and respects human rights. However, hearing from them about faith and God – I really can’t remember any.     

Personally, I can relate to some of his struggles as we both came from a farming back ground and had our primary and secondary education from the country side. Coming to Manila for college, I was really scared and excited at the same time. I still can remember that my mom was somehow not keen on me moving out as we were never really been apart before. This was also like Pat’s case, however, aside from the city lights, we both know this is the right thing for us to do. He had also the insecurities that I had before with the city kids that are educated from better schools. Though he worked part-time for his studies while my education was entirely funded by my parents, we both proved that even though we’re from the province, with hard work, dedication and prayer we can prove that we can be at the same level as the city kids if not better.

What I really admire about him especially after reading also the 2 chapters of his book is he was really able to have it all. Today, we often hear that if you’re unlucky with your career, you will be lucky with your love-life or vice versa but very rarely be both. Personally, I really think he is lucky! I’m saying this because when he explained to his then girlfriend and now wife of so many years, Linda, why he’s only able to spend Friday nights and Sunday church with her only while other couples are seeing 4-5 times a week or more, she accepted. Having been in a couple of relationships already and being in the same situation, it was really hard to be in their situation. This is because I understand the fact that relationships are built, but in their case if they are not seeing each other as much as possible then, how will they build their relationship? Without being cheesy or bias, I think this is where Christ came in. God must have rewarded for living a Christian Life, with wisdom to understand each other’s situation and good health as Pat was working long hours in the office while studying at the same time and  as result not having much sleep or rest.

In his book, he describes life as balancing act, to which we are currently balancing 3 tennis balls at the same time. This represents career, family, and God. As time passes by and as our situation changes these balls changes to other heavier and bigger balls like softball and football, that makes it harder for us to balance our lives. There are many schools of thoughts on how to have a balanced life. Fortunately, I am in graduate school and I learned from Pat and this class that there’s really no such thing as “work life balance.” Instead, there’s only “living an integrated life.” That’s being the same person 7x a week wherever you are, whoever you are with. Regardless, if you are in work, school, or in another country which has a different culture. In his case, he has sights on his goals and has a plan, however, when unexpected things happened like when the doctor advised Linda that because of her health she has to have a child immediately, otherwise she might be able to do so. He carefully thought the situation over and married Linda the following summer. This is despite the fact that he barely has enough time already as he is studying and working at the same time. Personally speaking, experiencing having to work at the same time earn a graduate degree is difficult. It’s really hard to squeeze some time for friends and family. But looking back at Pat’s experience, it’s really possible as he was able to have a family, graduate with honours, and be promoted every year in his work.             

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